readers of this blog will know that I have on a few occasions touched
upon my continued belief that the UK is completely and totally fucked
because we have had successive generations of government in this
country who seem to believe that money is the most important thing in
the world. Unlike most of the things I've written on this blog I
wasn't just making that up because I thought it leant itself to an
easy gag, it's actually something I genuinely believe to be a
fundamental fact. I also believe that until this problem is addressed
it will impossible for any government to address the problems this
country is facing. Oh yeah I'm doing a serious one today but it'll be
an interesting thing to throw in the face of any tories you might
find yourself cornered by at a party.
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First image result for "drunk tory" it's too good not to use |
In 2011
Britain had a GDP of 2 Trillion Dollars... yes that's correct 2
fucking trillion dollars, sorry for it not being in pounds but that's
the way the global economy works. That makes the UK the eighth
largest economy in the world, which isn't that shabby. If you're too
lazy to click that link we are behind America, China, Japan, India,
Germany, Russia and Brazil. I think that you can put together a
moderately reasonable justification for being behind each of those
guys, most of them have vastly greater populations than us... also I
wouldn't be surprised to find out that every single person in Japan
owns a giant robot power suit, even though I've actually been there.
So anyway there we are in a fairly respectable eighth place. I don't
think I could be called a liar if I was to state that most of the UK
government's economic polices have been geared towards either
maintaining or improving that placement.
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Worlds Largest Economy: USA |
So logic
dictates that if there is a reason for doing this other than for the
sake of money itself, then it will be easy to detect and prove. All
we need is to look at the global rankings for all the stuff we
actually care about and see if we come eighth or better. So let's
start with health, as we all know without health we are nothing,
according to WHO we are ranked... 18th in the world, I
mean it's a reasonable place to be but it's not eighth is it.
Incidentally other than Japan none of the countries above us on that
list have a higher GDP. From that it seems fairly conclusive that
being in the big boys club doesn't have much of an advantage when it
comes to not keeling over because of a fatal heart attack. Top of
that list by the way is France... so if we could channel that
pointless rivalry we could all be a lot healthier.
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Worlds Best Healthcare: France |
So let's
have a look at education, that's the powerhouse of the economy
anyway, even though anyone with a brain can tell you it should be the
other way around. Well this one's a bit more complicated because they
have a tendency this rating is based upon three separate rankings for
reading, maths and science but when you combine those results you
find us sitting pretty at 20th again not bad but also not
eighth also below the USA. Yeah the sting from that one will take a
while to wear off won't it. Again it's worth noting that the only
three countries above us on the education and the money chart are
America, Japan and Germany. Top of that list is South Korea, who I
wouldn't consider a major player on the world stage if it wasn't for
their twatty neighbours.
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Worlds Best Education: South Korea |
OK so
lets have a look at the big one the factor that matters more than any
other. Happiness. Yes this is something that is actually measured by
the UN and it turns out we once again manage to do quiet well and
slide in at 18th. Which you'll notice isn't eighth. On
that list we once again fall behind the US... that's the only country
that is both richer and happier than us by the way. Top of that list
is Denmark. The interesting fact about all three of these lists is
that they are all topped by places that you wouldn't be massively
upset about having to live in, you know if you had to help set up a
new office for work or something.
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Worlds Happiest Country: Denmark |
again it's easy to complain... I mean at least I have the right to
complain, there's a lot of countries in the world where even writing
a angry critique like this would get me in trouble. At least I live
in the 13th most democratic nation on earth. That's right
the worlds oldest democracy has only let twelve other nations get
ahead of it. Finland is tops in this category, they also show up
above us on most of the lists I've linked here. Democracy has been
spreading further and wider these days thanks of course to the
internet, so at least I have the privilege of living the country with
the fifteenth best download speeds.
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Worlds Most Democratic Country: Finland |
I'll be
honest with you I write an article like this by starting with a
baseless assertion like the one from the first paragraph and then
research as I go. Now I knew I wasn't going to get the rug pulled out
from me on this one, I was kind of expecting to run into at least one
thing that this country did better than accruing wealth for the top
one percent... Oh hold on... No we're twelfth for wealthdistribution. Just checked the list of the worlds most sustainable
countries best I could dig up is this top ten... and we're not on it.
Hold on we've got the BBC that's got to count for something is there
a global ranking for media. There is a media freedom index and we
are... 28th OH COME ON! Writing this has been
fundamentally depressing. HOLD ON I GOT ONE! We are 4th in
the world for, wait for it... MILITARY SPENDING. Seriously just fuck
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Worlds Freest Press: Luxembourg |
So that's
the grim truth about the Britain's prized place as a major player on
the world economic stage. It isn't really worth it. Every time that
you hear a politician talking about how we can't put more money into
healthcare, education or sustainable development because the economy
is in bad shape just remember that the economy is doing better than
all those things. It's also key that you remember that the only
reason that we have an economy is to allow us to afford these other
things. Everyone of these metrics should be on the same level and I
we have to pull the economy down to pull the others up then that's
exactly what we should be fucking doing
<actually quiet fucking angry after writing this>
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