Saturday, 7 January 2012

Being Awesome; Part 2

So after one week of a continued commitment to awesomeness I'm certain you are desperate to hear how it's going. Well fuck you I'm going to tell you anyway. First of it's half past two on Saturday night and I'm drinking a massive mug of tea while watching a documentary on the history of science broadcasting on the BBC. So, mission fucking accomplished I think. I've also spent my day overdosing on Sherlock Holmes, two films and two episodes. Now that may not be everyone's particular brand of caffeinated beverage but it's so far up my street as to be knocking at my fucking door. That's the end result of this week but what's the build up been?

Well here is the overall state of play. First up I've not had a single lug of nicotine all week and it's been absolutely fine, seriously it's fine... STOP FUCKING HASTLING ME ABOUT IT I'M FINE! The no alcohol thing has had a slight fuck up... I watched The Room, a movie that requires at least a few glasses of wine, but it was enjoyed in good company so I'm calling it a wash, I did manage a trip to the pub for a friend's, well I say friend he's a tory, birthday drinks and didn't feel an overwhelming urge to plough through Jagerbombs like I'd caught a penis-exploding disease and it was the only cure. I'm also drug free which has brought with it an immense feeling of clarity and is probably the reason that I've already written all of next weeks blogs.

Writing has been a key part of this week with me emptying the contents of my word-jug into the pint glass of my netbook. I've been cracking on with some work on a novel I've had swirling around my in my thought juice for a while, a combination of New Orleans voodoo and noir detective drama. In addition to that I've also fully planned out a book for the under tens that aims to explain the difficult subject of depression, a thorny subject I know but it's a fucking disease and disease doesn't give two fucks about how old you are and if you remember being a kid then you'll know that not having stuff explained to you sucked balls. I'll be getting more into this once I've had a chance to have a proper chat with the person I want to provide the artwork.

In other news I've signed up for my next blood-donation and have a pack sitting upstairs to register myself as a bone marrow donor, what point is there in improving yourself if you have no intention of using that awesomeness you have developed, for with great awesomeness comes great responsibility. Along those lines I've got two other projects I'm going to be setting up over the next few months. One is the 'Sunday Best' project, the aim of this will be to try and organise atheists to volunteer for various causes on Sundays. Why Sundays? Because I want to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that spending a portion of your week on your knees telling a bully how great he is in the hope that it'll put you in his good books is not a good use of your time. Again this'll require some assistance to get off the ground, anyone who reads this and knows enough about web-design to help me build a website to get this organised... it's in the very early, only exists as a vague idea in my head, stage at the present but if it seems like something like the kind of thing that you may be interested in helping out with, please make yourself known in the comments section and we'll see if we can get the ball rolling on this bad boy. The second thing I've been thinking upon is a charity event I'm thinking of organising, basically a computer games themed club-night to raise money for the Child's Play charity that I mentioned a few posts ago. Again if you want to offer your services for this please let me know in the comments.

Oh... I also baked some bread, I really need a bread tin though as I have I keep making very flat and misshapen loaves. Oh and I made this...

Sorry about the watermark but I uploaded it and don't have the original on this laptop.

So yeah, pretty awesome as weeks go. Hopefully I'll have more to report on a number of fronts next week.

eddie <I'm to lazy, to be this busy>

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