Let me be
absolutely clear here you don't have faith in science. Science
neither demands nor requires faith offering in it's stead evidence
and method. That said faith is not the sole province of the
religious, you can have faith in the essential goodness of people, I
have faith that Joss Whedon is going to knock Avengers out of the
fucking park and I have face in relentless pace of scientific
advancement. That's to say I have no faith in science, instead having
knowledge but I do have faith that science is going to keep coming up
with all manner of groovy things. Think about it, ten years ago if
you wanted to find your way somewhere you had to print out a little
map and use it to navigate there, whereas now you can just take a
mobile device with you and have it not work so you end up yelling at
it in the street. That's progress... well in principle. Anyway my
point is, yeah I have a point... I always do... OK maybe not with the
womble thing but usually I do, stop looking at me like that. Anyway
my point is that whilst science has been doing a lot of wicked stuff
lately there's a few things I'd like to suggest that science starts
working on.
![]() |
Priorities people! |
I don't know if you've seen Watchmen but the best thing about that movie, something of a let down from the greatest comic ever written, was Bubastis, Adrian Vietch's awesome genetically engineered tiger/lion/giant cat thing. I want something like that, not that exactly but I dunno... Oh I've got it I want a pet grizzly bear that can talk and hold a glass. He needs to be intelligent enough to crack-wise but not so intelligent as to think he's running the show. Or a pegasus... I'm not entirely sure that's even theoretically possible though so I'll not push that one to much. There must be a chance of me getting my hands on a pet Smilodon, preferably engineered to be less of a terrifying hell beast and more of a big loveable cat... that turns into a terrifying hell beast when I want it to attack my enemies. Or possibly a giant eagle that I can ride to the shops/Europe.
You spend
roughly a third of your life fast asleep. That's not even close to
necessary. Now it is possible to drop down to a series of four twenty
minute naps throughout the day, seriously hit the google and check
that shit out. The reason for it is that all you actually need from
sleep is about an hour of REM, that's Rapid Eye Movement not the
album Shiny Happy People, the rest of the whole sleep thing is just
the stuff evolution bundled in as the best available method. The
truth is that no-one really knows what sleep is actually for. If you
don't sleep enough you go crazy and you die but no-one has any idea
why. So I want science to work that out, with a view to removing
sleep entirely. I know that we all love sleep, but that's only
because we need it. I want to live in a world were I get an extra
eight hours of free time a day. Think about the possibilities. You
could stack your work week up into the first 40-50 hours of the week
and have over 100 hours of free-time. I'm guessing that you'd
probably only need one maybe two extra meals chucked in, so you're
not going to be spending to much extra money in that free time. I
could totally knock out all my weeks writing in one chunk and then
spend the rest of my time partying with hookers and blow... the crazy
life of an internet humorist.
Pneumatic Tubes
The truth
is I've given up on hover cars, teleporters or even getting my hands
on a portal gun, you'd have to pry that from Chel's cold dead fingers
and I'm not taking that crazy bitch on. However I'm still curious
about the whole getting flung around the city in a series of large
pneumatic tubes. I mean it's one of those ideas that's so
preposterously science-fiction that I have no idea who first came up
with it, I can't even remember seeing them in anything prior to
Futurama but they've been in the box marked future in my head for as
long as I can remember... Seriously I've wanted the tube system
longer than I've wanted a shape changing sex-bot, and I've wanted one
of them since I was six. If you don't like the idea of being sucked
up into a tube and slung along at speed whilst watching the city of
your choice whip by through the glass, then frankly you have the
withered testes of a geriatric zombie.
most scientists have there eyes pointed towards the skies and dream
of building an elaborate lunar city from which to launch a final
attack against the ever-present Martian Menace, I'm concerned that
everyone has taken there eyes of off the equally awesome concept of
building a massive and unnecessary city at the bottom of the ocean,
because I want to be able to visit giant squid. I'm certain that I
could come up with a borderline legitimate scientific reason to build
it... Geo-thermal energy... that's a legitimate thing that science
could be doing at the bottom of the ocean right. I mean have we yet
sufficiently studied up on the existence of the Kraken... or failing
that could we just put it there to keep an eye of R'lyeh and make
sure the darklord Cthulhu isn't rising any time soon.
there's some suggestions as to what I think science should be working
towards. I hope that the guy in charge of science, Stephen Hawking I
think will read this and take note... if anyone who knows the
Hawk-man reads this pass along my ideas.
eddie <I
like my science mad>
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