Sunday, 15 July 2012

Bitches Whining About Feminism.

I am a white man living in a first world country. It is fundamentally impossible to fall into a better cared for demographic. That’s not a statement of opinion it’s a statement of fact. There is not a single metric that exists by which we are not ahead as a group. The average white man will earn more over his life-time than any other demographic. When you live in a money-centric society, such as ours, that means everything. There’s a reason that Daniel Craig can promote a movie in a suit and Scarlet Johansen has to do it in her pants. The point I’m making here is that we are pandered to on every conceivable level. As a group we have so little to complain about its ridiculous. To quote Louis C.K. “You can’t even hurt my feelings.” I’m thoroughly aware that I no longer have the good fortune to live in a world where I would by this point of my life have been sold a woman to clean my house, cook for me and fellate me on demand but life’s still pretty great. The best thing is that due to the way the world is developing I will never have to settle for anything less than equality. That’s one hell of run being in first place for the entirety of recorded history dropping down to exactly the same as everyone else without a single moment of punishment. We didn’t even have to fight for it. None of my forefathers had to leap in front of a horse and get trampled to death, no-one has had a water cannon fired at them, I’ve had rights enshrined in law since the signing of the Magna Carta… plus I can pee standing up, it’s ridiculous how much the universe is apparently on my side. So when I see one of my number whining like a little bitch about femi-nazis and beta-males one simple phrase springs to mind. GROW THE FUCK UP!

Emily Davison had balls twice as big as most men.

Over at the fantastic law blog it recently kicked off in the comment section after a post about the culture of sexual harassment at conventions. I’ve never been to a convention so I cannot vouch for the truth of these allegations but the debate that sprang up was very much not about whether or not the allegations were true but rather about whether the complaint was valid. Now I’m not going to say that feminism is a flawless movement. I actually think that it’s fairly redundant as every argument about equality should cover discrimination across the board rather than focus in on one particular facet. However if a man is going to act like a creepy sleaze-ball then he shouldn’t expect a free-ride and he shouldn’t expect his behaviour to go without comment. What does strike about most of the criticism against women who’ve been victims of sexual harassment consists of an assertion that if a woman finds something offensive she should toughen up. The argument they put forward is that men take the things people say about them on the chin and so should women. They do this whilst going to great lengths to explain why the woman in question should never have said that, that the woman has crossed a line and offended them and boo-hoo-hoo. If you are going to complain about how women aren’t tough enough try to do it without sounding like a pussy.

Women don't need to toughen up any more than they already have.

When women are complaining about men treating them in this way it isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s a sign of strength. It’s a woman drawing a line in the sand and saying this behaviour is unacceptable and I will not stand for it. This is the strongest stance any member of the human-race can ever take. I’m going to run through a list of men who’ve taken stances like this in the past and you can tell me which of them was weak. Winston Churchill. Abraham Lincoln. Martin Luther King. William Wilberforce. Fidel Castro. Joseph Stalin. I don’t agree with all of these people but weak they were not. So let’s imagine that we lived in the halcyon days of man’s dominance of society. Let’s imagine that it’s the late 18th Century and you went up to some young lady in the local public house and acted towards her in a thoroughly lecherous way. The “men” who believe this is acceptable behaviour would have quickly found out that the lady in question had a father or a husband or a brother who would promptly punch his face in. Obviously this didn't apply in polite society... no they had duels over this sort of thing where people got stabbed and shot. It was called conduct unbecoming of a gentleman.

I think Andrew Jackson had about twelve duels
about this kind of thing whilst president

The womens rights movement that started way back with the likes of Emily Davison was really two separate struggles. The first was to ensure that women would be treated equally by society with regards to rights and pay. The second was to ensure the protections that had been stripped by banning men from kicking the crap out of each other for acting like dicks were enshrined in law. To make sure that the woman who had no brothers could sit in a public place unmolested by unwanted advances from dick-heads. If you ever find yourself rushing to defend the men who behave like this and attack women who complain, with every justification, then just apply the Batman test. You see there are many criticisms you can fire at Batman. He's insane. No really. There is absolutely no part of his mental make-up within waving distance of healthy. However he is not weak, he is not a 'beta-male' and he is nothing less than completely and totally awesome from the moment he wakes up in the morning to the moment he falls asleep with the Jokers blood dripping from his hands. Now ask yourself would Batman get drunk and at a conference and harass an attractive red-head? Now ask yourself would you like to be trapped alone in a lift with Batman after he'd just seen you do that? Of course not he'd punch you and when Batman punches you, you stay punched. I'm not saying that being a drunken rapey lech makes you a criminal but it damn sure doesn't make you a good guy and no-one else has to tolerate a single ounce of your tedious bullshit.

eddie </rant>

1 comment:

  1. This was shaping up to be an interesting read. Then for some reason it dives doen detour alley and becomes an "I think Batman is fucking awesome", homo-erotic wank-fest.

    To be honest, it turned me off and made me forget the previous few paragraphs.

    Just sayin' like.
    BTW, I can't find a facebook log-in to post this with. That dropdown list doesn't seem to include one.
